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(734) 800-1355



M-F: 8AM-5PM
Sat: 8AM-3PM


Your basement will be dry all of the time with Perma-Dry.
M-F: 8AM-5PM
Sat: 8AM-3PM


(734) 800-1355



Why Crawlspace Repair in Michigan Is a Must

A Guide to Crawlspace Repair in Michigan

In states like Michigan, where bogs, swamps, and marshes are common, crawlspaces create a space between the ground and your home for flood protection. They also provide easy access to protected utilities, but how long can it shelter and preserve if in poor condition? That’s where a crawlspace repair in Michigan comes in. 


Crawlspace repair and maintenance remedies moisture damage contributing to fungal growth, wood rot, saggy floorboards, and mustiness. This process also reduces pest infestation, humidity, and electric bills, so consider crawlspace solutions from Perma Dry Michigan.

Understanding Crawlspace Remediation

Crawlspace remediation occurs before the encapsulation process. During this step, experts use specialized techniques to track mold and mildew growth, such as mustiness and lower air quality. They also follow where water is currently to inspect areas with high humidity to uncover fungal contamination thoroughly. 


If you have an existing barrier, a qualified team removes it before examining the crawlspace and installing a new one. If the inspection leads them to bacterial and fungal growth underneath floorboards or behind walls, they spray a mixture (like ones comprising sodium bicarbonate). This process kills fungi while protecting the delicate, porous wood. 


Once this process is completed, they get to work on the second step of crawlspace repair in Michigan; inspecting the sturdiness of the wood itself. 

Crawlspace Installation Process

The next step of the crawlspace inspection process includes having a professional with years of experience replace rotten wood. Otherwise, it would continue to degrade beneath the heavy-duty plastic, even after the excess moisture is gone. They then seal vents with hydraulic cement and insulate them with fiberglass batts for a sturdy foundation. 


Next, they measure the area and cut the vapor barriers, noting any vents, pipes, and other obstructions. The experts then secure it in place using a staple gun before sealing the edges. Once the crawlspace installation is complete, they’ll inspect for unsecured areas and conduct tests to ensure moisture resistance. 

What Is Crawlspace Encapsulation?

Whether from floods or heavy rainstorms, water seeps into crawlspaces ranging from a few inches to permanent flood damage. Without the right crawlspace encapsulation on these wooden surroundings, moisture seeps into the wood, causing it to warp and crack. If this issue isn’t resolved it can deteriorate your home’s foundation. It also paves the way for bacteria alongside mold and mildew growth, which can affect your family’s health and well-being.


With encapsulation, you shield your crawlspace’s floors, ceiling, and walls with a polyethylene barrier, topped off with an antimicrobial solution to prevent water damage. This barrier does more than just waterproof though. Many pests and rodents, from termites to mice, gnaw on your home’s structure, but this barrier can prevent this. It also bars your controlled climate from seeping through porous wood, lowering utilities and increasing energy efficiency. 

How Crawlspace Repair Works

Encapsulation can last 15 to 20 years with proper care, but floods, high humidity levels, and pests can all reduce this lifespan. If you notice floorboards sinking or warping, cracks in the foundation, or other concerns, you may have imperfections in your encapsulation causing water and humidity to seep through. An expert will patch it or replace the plastic. 


The professional then examines the crawlspace. To reduce high humidity levels, they’ll remove the water and clean the area before installing a vent cover to limit excess moisture that would lower indoor air quality. They also install a dehumidifier, but if excess water is the issue, they’ll go straight to an interior drainage system.

Perma Dry Michigan | Your Trusted Partner for Crawlspace Repair in Michigan

A DIY encapsulation to save money can sound tempting. While we encourage you to check on your crawlspace semiannually for unusual symptoms, we urge you to contact us if something is amiss. Not only are crawlspaces dangerous, especially without the proper protective gear, but inexperienced workmanship can leave you with more problems than you originally had. 


At Perma Dry Michigan, our licensed and insured team has over 20 years of experience conducting crawlspace repairs and other services. When you need crawlspace repair in Michigan, contact us at (734) 800-1355 for a free estimate!